Bricolage Releases

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Bricolage 1.8.0 Released

It is with great pleasure that the Bricolage development team announces the release of Bricolage 1.8.0. The culmination of over 15 months in development, with contributions from over 20 independent developers, and new features sponsored by numerous organizations world-wide, version 1.8.0 represents a significant new pinnacle for the much-lauded open-source content management and publishing system. This release offers more new features, improvements, and performance gains than any previous release. There are so many, in fact (over 120), that they can't effectively be included in this announcement. Here are some of the highlights:

For a complete list of the changes, see the release notes and changes list on SourceForge. For the complete history of ongoing changes in Bricolage, see Bric::Changes.

Download Bricolage 1.8.0 now from the Kineticode download page or from the SourceForge download page.


Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason, HTML::Template, and Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. A comprehensive, actively-developed open source CMS, Bricolage was hailed as "Most Impressive" in 2002 by eWeek.


--The Bricolage Team

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