My Workspace
“My Workspace” is your home page in Bricolage. In it you can see a list of any story documents, media documents, or templates you have checked out. From here, you can check them in to a desk, edit them, or click their titles to preview them.
Story and media documents live on “Desks” while they're in a workflow. This screenshot depicts the “Edit Desk,” one of four desks in the “Document” workflow. Bricolage allows you to create as many workflows and desks as your organization requires.
Story Profile
Story editors will spend most of their time in the “Story Profile,” the interface for editing story document metadata and content. The “Content” section provides the content editing interface. The fields and subelements that can be added adhere to the definitions defined for the story type element. Media documents can be related to a story in the “Related Media” section, while category, output channel, keyword, and contributor associations each have their own sections. Note that the meaningful URI for this story, /reviews/movies/2003/06/02/princess_bride , is created as a combination of the category, cover date, and slug for the story.
Story Event Log
As you edit Bricolage objects, an event log keeps track of your activities. This screenshot depicts a “Story Event Log,” demonstrating a number of the events that can be logged for a story. Each log entry includes the name of the user who triggered each event, as well as the time the event was triggered.
Active Stories
The “Active Stories” interface displays a list of all story documents currently on desks in a workflow. The right column shows who has each story checked out, or allows you to check out a story.
Simple Story Search
The “Simple Story Search” interface provides a single field to search for story documents managed by Bricolage. The search term queries the title, description, URI, and keyword attributes of the stories in the database. Click the “Advanced Search” link to search against more story attributes.
Advanced Story Search
The “Advanced Story Search” interface allows you to search for story documents by numerous attributes, including story contents, keywords, and story type. Found stories can be viewed or checked out, unless someone else already has them checked out.
Active Media
The “Active Media” interface displays a list of all media documents currently on desks in a workflow. Note the thumbnails for individual images, as well as the icons used for non-image media documents.
Simple Media Search
The “Simple Media Search” interface provides a single field to search for media documents managed by Bricolage. The search term queries the title, description, URI, and keyword attributes of the media documents in the database. Click the “Advanced Search” link to search against more media attributes.
Advanced Media Search
The “Advanced Media Search” interface allows you to search for media documents by a number of different attributes, view found media documents, or check them out.
Site Manager
Use the “Site Manager” to search for sites managed by Bricolage. You can add as many sites as you need to manage in a single instance of Bricolage. Each site has its own workflows, categories, output channels, and document type element associations.
Site Profile
The “Site Profile” allows you to edit the attributes of a single site. The “Domain Name” attribute can be used for creating URLs in Bricolage templates. Note the select list in the bread crumb bar at the top of the screen. When a user has access to more than one site in Bricolage, she can select a “site context” from this list in order to access the workflows of a specific site.
Workflow Manager
Use the “Workflow Manager” to search for workflows to edit. All content in Bricolage must be managed in workflows, and each workflow consists of one or more desks that define the areas of responsibility within a workflow. Workflows can be created to manage story documents, media documents, or templates.
Workflow Profile
Edit an individual workflow in the “Workflow Profile.” New or existing desks can be added to a workflow; a desk that is in more than one workflow is shared between workflows. Assets on a shared desk in any workflow will appear on that desk in the other workflows. Shared desks are a useful way to centralize common tasks, such as fact checking or legal approval, across sites and workflows.
Category Manager
The “Category Manager” provides an interface for searching for and editing categories. Categories are hierarchically organized content containers that make up part of the user-readable URLs Bricolage generates for story and media documents.
Category Profile
Individual categories are edited via the “Category Profile.” All Bricolage categories can have keyword and ad string associations. Add a category to category groups so that users granted permission on those groups can access the category.
Element Profile
Use the “Element Profile” to define the elements of your documents. Elements are the branches of a tree-like data model representing the structure of a document. This screenshot depicts an element called “Page.” It has a number of subelements, and defines the fields “Paragraph,” “Header,” “Previous Text,” and “Next Text.” These are the leaves of this element node, and represent the content fields that can be added to a “Page” element in a story document. Use the “Add New Field” section to add a new field to the element.
Output Channel Manager
The “Output Channel Manager” provides an interface for searching for and editing output channels. An output channel defines a collection of templates to output story content in a particular format.
Output Channel Profile
Edit output channels in the “Output Channel Profile.” An output channel allows you to define the default file name and extension for files it outputs, as well as the format of the URIs generated for those files. Output channels can also include the templates from other output channels, allowing template behavior to be inherited from other output channels and overridden in this output channel.
Group Manager
The “Group Manager” provides an interface for searching for and editing groups. Groups provide the permissions interface for Bricolage. Permissions can be granted to groups of users to access groups of objects.
Group Profile
The “Group Profile” allows you to edit the attributes of a single group. Most objects in Bricolage can be organized into groups, so that permissions can be granted to groups of users to access groups of objects. Note that members can be added to or removed from a group using the nifty double-list widget.
User Group Permissions
Grant permissions to a group of users to access groups of objects in the “User Group Permissions” interface. “Read,” “Edit,” “Create,” and “Deny,” permissions can be granted for most objects; story, media, and template groups can additionally have “Recall” and “Publish” permissions, allowing users to recall assets from the Bricolage library, or to publish them. Workflow, desk, and category permissions apply to the stories, media, and templates they're associated with. The “User Group Permissions” section reverses the trend; permissions here are granted to the members of those groups to access the members of this user group.
User Manager
Use the “User Manager” to search for Bricolage users to edit. This screenshot demonstrates the use of an SQL wild card in the search string. SQL wild cards can be used in any of the administrative managers.
User Profile
Edit an individual user in the “User Manager.” You can add contact information for a user, including email, pager, phone number, instant messaging ID, etc. You can also add a user to one or more user groups, and change the user name or password. Users can always edit their own profiles, although, for security reasons, not their group associations.
Destination Manager
The “Destination Manager” provides an interface for searching for and editing destinations. Destinations are the servers to which content files are distributed by Bricolage via file system copy, FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV.
Destination Profile
Individual destinations may be edited in the “Destination Profile.” Content output via certain output channels can be distributed to specific destinations, ensuring that the right content goes to the right servers. You can also perform any number of actions on the files to be distributed, and distribute the files to multiple servers (useful for distributing content to a server farm).